
Horoscope Consultation/Counselling

According to Hindu teachings, life is meant for spiritual growth. Vedic astrology is a relatively new term to describe Hindu or Indian astrology, also known as jyotish. Like Western astrology, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the planets and other heavenly bodies influence a person's life.

Yoga – a sister science of jyotish along with Ayurveda – and yoga-related practices are used to lessen or strengthen the influence of specific planets in a yogi's life. Such practices include mantras, meditation on yantras, yogic breathing exercises and asanas. On a deeper level, Vedic astrology provides insights and perspective on the yogi's strengths and weaknesses, thereby providing a framework and guidance for yoga practice.

Vedic astrology is one of the vedangas of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The vedangas are the six sciences that are studied in order to practice and understand Vedic teachings. In Vedic astrology, a person's destiny is determined by his/her karma, which is set forth in the cosmic design.

The Vedic astro theory propounds existence of 27 constellations comprising of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life, depending on when a person is born, the 12 signs occupy the 12 houses and 9 planets placed in various houses. This representation of zodiac signs and planets is called a horoscope chart.

Vedic astrologers have the expertise and know how to interpret the meaning of these arrangements and possible set of events both pleasant and unpleasant associated with them. Vedic astrologers are able to recommend means and measures to overcome/minimize the ill effects and hindrances individuals face in their life-span.

Gemstones consultation

Some people use gems as part of their spiritual practices. They incorporate gems into rituals to restore energy fields, gain peace, and promote love and safety.

There is a strong relation between gemstone and science. Planets radiate the forces and influences via colour. The gemstones have celestial forces that are governed by their respective planets. Wearing gemstones help in diminishing the inauspicious effect of the planets. According to astrologers, if you also wish to protect yourself from a major crisis in your life, then wear a gem only after consulting an expert. In Astrology, there are two gems which are the most powerful and dangerous at the same time. Among these, the first one is Neelam (Sapphire) and the second is Heera (Diamond).

A. Sapphire

Sapphire is the key gemstone of Saturn. It mainly controls the air element. Generally, a sapphire is blue (neela) in colour and due to this it is also called Neelam. It also has a name Shanipriya which later changed to Sapphire. This is a gemstone of the Kurundam group and is found along with rubies. This gem is worn to take the benefits from Saturn and to balance it. It requires great care before it can be worn. Wearing it without a proper investigation and consultation can be very harmful. Also, wearing a sapphire on the basis of wrong advice can ruin your life. It starts showing its effects in about 24 hours

Rules for wearing a Sapphire - Keep in mind to not wear a sapphire without knowing the elements of horoscope and Saturn. Before wearing a sapphire, thoroughly examine it.

B. Diamond

Diamond is considered the most valuable and the hardest among all gems. Generally, people frequently use it for its beauty and value. In astrology, it is considered as the gem of the planet Venus. One can attract beauty, happiness and prosperity by wearing this gem. It affects blood and directly impacts married life. To take benefits from Venus and to increase the glamour in life, this stone is considered perfect.

Never wear a diamond without consultation and just for the sake of fashion and show off. Also, do not wear it if you are suffering from diabetes or any blood related problems

Career Report

Whenever you think about your future and it’s continuously declining graph, it will give you anxiety, and it is normal. But, this doesn't mean you will stay in worry forever. You need to get a solution for this, and what could be the best thing than getting in touch with an experienced astrologer? At Pinaki Astrology, we will tell your career horoscope by date of birth and time and tell everything you should expect in your life to come out of it smoothly.

If any of below mentioned worries are bothering you, then this is the time you should know everything about your career and start working accordingly:

  • Do you think and worry about when you will get a job?
  • Are you confused about the kind of job you should do?
  • Do you want to know if you can start your own business?
  • Are you worried about getting your promotion after working for years in the same firm?
  • Are you thinking to change your job to be more successful?
  • Do you want to know the right time to change your job?
  • If things are getting problematic in your office, will they sort out in your favour? 

So, if you want to get an answer to any of these situations, you need to get done with your career prediction right away. The best report will include a solution to all these questions so that you can plan out the events in your life accordingly and get the desired results.

Kundali Matching

Horoscope matching, also known as Kundali matching in Vedic astrology, considers both; the position of the planets at the time of your birth and their current positions to find how compatible two people are for each other. Kundali matching is necessary to find if the position of the planets is likely or unlikely. A couple is found to be compatible in Kundali matching only when 18 of the total 36 Gunas match. If 33 to 36 Gunas match then the couple is found to be an excellent match, 25 to 32 means they are a good match, 18 to 24 means they are a decent match and below 18 means they will not be compatible.

Out of all the above Guna Milan tests, Naadi Dosha Vichar, Bhakoot Vichar, Gana Vichar, Graha Maitri and Yoni Vichar are the most essential parameters in guna matching for marriage.

Note that the total number of points under the Ashta Koot matching makes 36 Gunas. Nadi: 8 Points, Bhakoot: 7 Points, Gana: 6 Points, Maitri: 5 Points, Yoni: 4 Points, Tara: 3 Points, Vasya: 2 points, Varna: 1 Point. Hence the total number of Gunas is 36.

So, if you want to get an answer to any of these situations, you need to get done with your career prediction right away. The best report will include a solution to all these questions so that you can plan out the events in your life accordingly and get the desired results.

Marital Problems

Marriage is regarded as one of the most important social customs in our country. It is a sacred institution that people sweat by. In India, it is all about tradition and values that make the marriage a life-long bond. However, it would be foolhardy to think that life-long marriages are free of problems. It is very rare that couples do not face problems in their long journey together, but the area of concern here is the shift of traditional marriages to troubled marriages.

Love, marriage and romance are governed by Planet Venus. This is a planet which is responsible for the success or failure in your love life. Venus governs marital prospects of men, and women's prospects are governed by Mars and Jupiter.

Venus is natural significator for 4th House. It is the undisputed significator for marriage, but for happiness, comfort and marital bliss, moon plays an important role along with Venus as it signifies happiness and comfort in a relationship along with materialistic comforts of home.

Astrology can offer help in resolving marital issues as it studies the planetary positions in the birth chart of the couple to come up with remedies that can bring back the lost charm of married life. Astrology, coupled with sincere efforts from both spouses, can bring peace and harmony into the relationship.

Wealth Problem

Who doesn’t want money? Money is our sole means and is known to make our existence smooth and comfortable. If you come across someone who says money is not important to him/her that person for sure is lying. The primary means to ensure that you are blessed with abundance is to make sure that you keep Lord Kuber & Goddess Lakshmi happy.

There are some effective remedies for financial problems in astrology that help to strengthen your financial status. One needs to appease Lord Kuber and Goddess Lakshmi to gain wealth and money. Both these deities are the deities of wealth and prosperity.

Health astrology

Health astrology is a specialized branch of Vedic astrology. It is an extraordinary predictive and counselling tool. A horoscope indicates good bad or indifferent traits and physical, emotional or spiritual characteristics of the native as per the karmic flow. A chart is only the representation of one’s Karmic implications in one’s life through planetary influences. The medical astrology helps in understanding well in advance where the human chain is the weakest in the physical body and why. An astrologer will be able to diagnose disease and the diseased body part merely by analysis of the horoscope.

Medical Astrology reads about various body parts, human physiology, and illnesses associated with the 12 astrological zodiac signs and the nine planets. After analyzing your horoscope, an astrologer may make out what type of diseases you are vulnerable to and which planet is responsible for your health conditions.